Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby Pokrass » 08 Oct 2014, 15:41

Earlier you said that you use amp_r9. In signature amp_r11.

As I said in previous message install actual firmware.
Install bootcode and firmware via reset button.

Or read about irfake module and it's config. Also you can try to change gui to another or remove and install again your gui.

And don't owerquote!
iNeXT HD1 W Fw: X3D_Series_V4.0.2b160406
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Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby gogofre » 09 Oct 2014, 18:49

I was wrong the firmware I have installed is the one in my signature. I can't install bootcode or firmware via reset button, I said that. I have some posts saved about irfake module and I will try that but I think I need to use the remote control to get to the menu to see the IP assigned to the ASUS, I hope I'm wrong.

I don't know how to change gui or install again it, I will surf the phorum to see if I find the information and will try that too, I will report the results asap, thanks.
Device: ASUS O'Play 2
Posts: 6
Joined: 04 Oct 2014, 20:13

Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby gogofre » 12 Oct 2014, 19:10

Ok, here are the results:

Luckily when i connected the device to the router via cable the TV screen showed the IP assigned, so I connected to that IP with the computer via browser and i see this:

| +

I was right and i don't know how the IR FAKE RC replacement was disabled, I enabled it but the remote control didn't work yet, so I tried to edit the file and it is empty:

| +

So i guess the remote control doesn't work because i accidentally disabled that module or even I deleted it because as you can see the file is empty and i suppose that is the reason because the remote control keeps the same even if i enable the module, so am I right? How can i solve it? Can you post the content of this file here to copy and paste in the file?

Please help, i'm getting crazy... Thanks a million!
Device: ASUS O'Play 2
Posts: 6
Joined: 04 Oct 2014, 20:13

Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby Pokrass » 12 Oct 2014, 19:22

Code: Select all
# IconBit HDS41L codes
#"0","","8a754040",   POWER
#"0","","f00f4040",   EJECT

#"0","","fe014040",   1
#"0","","fd024040",   2
#"0","","fc034040",   3
#"0","","fb044040",   4
#"0","","fa054040",   5
#"0","","f9064040",   6
#"0","","f8074040",   7
#"0","","f7084040",   8
#"0","","f6094040",   9
#"0","","ff004040",   0
#"0","","ba454040",   MENU
#"0","","ec134040",   TITLE

#"0","","ea154040",   VOL+
#"0","","e31c4040",   VOL-
#"0","","e11e4040",   PREV
#"0","","e01f4040",   NEXT

#"0","","bc434040",   MUTE
#"0","","e8174040",   AUDIO

#"0","","e51a4040",   HOME
#"0","","bd424040",   RETURN

#"0","","ef104040",   LEFT
#"0","","f40b4040",   UP
#"0","","ee114040",   RIGHT
#"0","","f10e4040",   DOWN
#"0","","f20d4040",   OK

#"0","","e21d4040",   INFO
#"0","","b8474040",   TIME SEEK

#"0","","e9164040",   RWD
#"0","","bf404040",   PLAY/PAUSE
#"0","","be414040",   STOP
#"0","","e6194040",   FWD

#"0","","e7184040",   SUBTITLE
#"0","","b54a4040",   SLOW
#"0","","b9464040",   REPEAT
#"0","","ed124040",   BOOKMARK

#"0","","e41b4040",   ZOOM
#"0","","eb144040",   16:9
#"0","","f30c4040",   SETUP
#"0","","bb444040",   TV MODE

#"0","","ac534040",   RED
#"0","","a45b4040",   GREEN
#"0","","ab544040",   BLUE
#"0","","a8574040",   YELLOW
# Xtreamer PRO -> HDS42L
"0","fb04ff00","8a754040",   POWER
"0","fe01ff00","f00f4040",   <-. -> EJECT

#"0","","fe014040",   1
#"0","","fd024040",   2
#"0","","fc034040",   3
#"0","","fb044040",   4
#"0","","fa054040",   5
#"0","","f9064040",   6
#"0","","f8074040",   7
#"0","","f7084040",   8
#"0","","f6094040",   9
#"0","","ff004040",   0

"0","f609ff00","ba454040",   6 -> MENU
"0","ce31ff00","ec134040",   0 (prewiew) -> TITLE

"0","e718ff00","ea154040",   VOL+
"0","be41ff00","e31c4040",   VOL-
"0","a758ff00","e11e4040",   |<< -> PREV
"0","af50ff00","e01f4040",   >>| -> NEXT

"0","e51aff00","bc434040",   MUTE
"0","f10eff00","e8174040",   AUDIO

"0","a45bff00","e51a4040",   HOME
"0","f50aff00","bd424040",   RETURN

"0","f30cff00","ef104040",   LEFT
"0","b14eff00","f40b4040",   UP
"0","fa05ff00","ee114040",   RIGHT
"0","b24dff00","f10e4040",   DOWN
"0","f906ff00","f20d4040",   OK

"0","a55aff00","e21d4040",   INFO
"0","cd32ff00","b8474040",   8 (func) -> TIME SEEK

"0","a35cff00","e9164040",   RWD
"0","b34cff00","bf404040",   PLAY/PAUSE
"0","e11eff00","be414040",   STOP
"0","b44bff00","e6194040",   FWD

"0","f00fff00","e7184040",   SUBTITLE
"0","b748ff00","b54a4040",   .-> -> SLOW
"0","ef10ff00","b9464040",   REPEAT
"0","cc33ff00","ed124040",   Shuffle -> BOOKMARK

"0","b04fff00","e41b4040",   4 (zoom) -> ZOOM
#"0","","eb144040",   16:9
"0","e31cff00","f30c4040",   7 (setup) -> SETUP
"0","e619ff00","bb444040",   9 (tvout) -> TV MODE

"0","ba45ff00","ac534040",   1 (add) -> RED
"0","e817ff00","a45b4040",   2 (eject) -> GREEN
"0","fc03ff00","ab544040",   5 (goto) -> BLUE
"0","ed12ff00","a8574040",   3 (delete) -> YELLOW

"2","ff00ff00","pause",      A-B -> Pause
# O!Play R1 - HDS41L

"0","a956686c","8a754040",   POWER
#"0","","f00f4040",   EJECT
#"0","","fe014040",   1
#"0","","fd024040",   2
#"0","","fc034040",   3
#"0","","fb044040",   4
#"0","","fa054040",   5
#"0","","f9064040",   6
#"0","","f8074040",   7
#"0","","f7084040",   8
#"0","","f6094040",   9
#"0","","ff004040",   0
"0","fa05686c","ba454040",   PLAY_MUSIC -> MENU
#"0","","ec134040",   TITLE
"0","e41b686c","ea154040",   VOL+
"0","b34c686c","e31c4040",   VOL-
"0","e619686c","e11e4040",   PREV
"0","ec13686c","e01f4040",   NEXT
#"0","","bc434040",   MUTE
"0","a857686c","e8174040",   AUDIO
"0","bf40686c","e51a4040",   HOME
"0","bb44686c","bd424040",   RETURN
"0","a758686c","ef104040",   LEFT
"0","a15e686c","f40b4040",   UP
"0","a05f686c","ee114040",   RIGHT
"0","a35c686c","f10e4040",   DOWN
"0","a25d686c","f20d4040",   OK
"0","ab54686c","e21d4040",   DISPLAY -> INFO
#"0","","b8474040",   TIME SEEK
"0","be41686c","e9164040",   RWD
"0","e718686c","bf404040",   PLAY/PAUSE
"0","fb04686c","be414040",   STOP
"0","e817686c","e6194040",   FWD
"0","a45b686c","e7184040",   SUBTITLE
#"0","","b54a4040",   SLOW
#"0","","b9464040",   REPEAT
"0","a55a686c","ed124040",   REPEAT -> BOOKMARK
"0","bd42686c","e41b4040",   ZOOM
#"0","","eb144040",   16:9
"0","ba45686c","f30c4040",   SETUP
#"0","","bb444040",   TV MODE
#"0","","ac534040",   RED
"0","b649686c","a45b4040",   MODE -> GREEN
#"0","","ab544040",   BLUE
#"0","","a8574040",   YELLOW
# HDS7L -> HDS41L

"0","a8579f00","8a754040",   POWER
#"0","","f00f4040",   EJECT

"0","fa059f00","fe014040",   1
"0","f6099f00","fd024040",   2
"0","ea159f00","fc034040",   3
"0","fb049f00","fb044040",   4
"0","f7089f00","fa054040",   5
"0","eb149f00","f9064040",   6
"0","ff009f00","f8074040",   7
"0","ef109f00","f7084040",   8
"0","f30c9f00","f6094040",   9
"0","ee119f00","ff004040",   0
"0","e9169f00","ba454040",   MENU
"0","be419f00","ec134040",   copy -> TITLE

"0","e8179f00","ea154040",   VOL+
"0","ab549f00","e31c4040",   VOL-
"0","f00f9f00","e11e4040",   PREV (|<<)
"0","f40b9f00","e01f4040",   NEXT (>>|)

"0","a45b9f00","bc434040",   MUTE
"0","b6499f00","e8174040",   AUDIO

"0","b8479f00","e51a4040",   HOME
"0","b04f9f00","bd424040",   RETURN

"0","f9069f00","ef104040",   LEFT
"0","bc439f00","f40b4040",   UP
"0","f10e9f00","ee114040",   RIGHT
"0","f50a9f00","f10e4040",   DOWN
"0","fd029f00","f20d4040",   OK

"0","ad529f00","e21d4040",   INFO
"0","f20d9f00","b8474040",   search -> TIME SEEK

"0","f8079f00","e9164040",   RWD (<<)
"0","af509f00","bf404040",   PLAY/PAUSE
"0","ec139f00","be414040",   STOP
"0","fc039f00","e6194040",   FWD (>>)

"0","b7489f00","e7184040",   SUBTITLE
"0","b24d9f00","b54a4040",   SLOW
"0","a7589f00","b9464040",   REPEAT
"0","a6599f00","ed124040",   BOOKMARK (ANGLE)

"0","bb449f00","e41b4040",   ZOOM (ZOOM+)
"0","bf409f00","eb144040",   16:9(ZOOM-)
"0","e51a9f00","f30c4040",   SETUP
"0","fe019f00","bb444040",   TV MODE

"2","b9469f00","instant_replay", ins replay
"2","ba459f00","cmskip",   cm skip

"0","aa559f00","ac534040", select -> RED
"0","b14e9f00","a45b4040", confirm -> GREEN
"0","b54a9f00","ab544040", browser -> BLUE
"0","be419f00","a8574040", copy -> YELLOW
# Iconbit HDS4L/5L, Poppstar MS30, Memup, Konoos GV3765
"0","e31cfe01","8a754040", POWER
"0","eb14fe01","bc434040", MUTE
"0","b649fe01","f00f4040", TV MODE -> EJECT

"0","f906fe01","fe014040", 1
"0","6e91fe01","fd024040", 2
"0","be41fe01","fc034040", 3
"0","e916fe01","fb044040", 4
"0","bf40fe01","fa054040", 5
"0","aa55fe01","f9064040", 6
"0","7e81fe01","f8074040", 7
"0","b748fe01","f7084040", 8
"0","bd42fe01","f6094040", 9
"0","b34cfe01","ff004040", 0

"0","f00ffe01","b8474040", GOTO -> TIME SEEK
"0","ef10fe01","e51a4040", GUIDE -> HOME

"0","fb04fe01","bd424040", RETURN
"0","f609fe01","e9164040", Fast Rewind
"0","e21dfe01","e6194040", Fast Forward
"0","8f70fe01","f30c4040", SETUP

"0","f10efe01","ef104040", LEFT
"0","fc03fe01","f40b4040", UP
"0","e51afe01","ee114040", RIGHT
"0","fd02fe01","f10e4040", DOWN
"0","e619fe01","f20d4040", OK

"0","f807fe01","e11e4040", PREV
"0","9f60fe01","e01f4040", NEXT
"0","af50fe01","ea154040", VOL+
"0","fe01fe01","e31c4040", VOL-

"0","e11efe01","ba454040", OPTION -> MENU
"0","fa05fe01","be414040", STOP
"0","e718fe01","bf404040", PLAY/PAUSE
"0","f20dfe01","b9464040", REPEAT

"0","7887fe01","ec134040", COPY -> TITLE
"0","f50afe01","ed124040", SELECT -> BOOKMARK
"0","7b84fe01","bb444040", CONFIRM -> TV MODE
"0","f30afe01","e21d4040", INFO

"0","b946fe01","e7184040", SUBTITLE
"0","6798fe01","b54a4040", SLOW
"0","7f80fe01","e8174040", AUDIO
"0","6d92fe01","e41b4040", ZOOM

"0","7a85fe01","ac534040", RED All
"0","7986fe01","ab544040", BLUE Music
"0","7788fe01","a45b4040", GREEN Photo
"0","f708fe01","a8574040", YELLOW Movies
# Digma HDMP 301 --> IconBit hds42l
"0","e21dfd02","8a754040", POWER
"0","e619fd02","e21d4040", INFO
"0","df20fd02","e51a4040", ALL -> HOME
#"0","e11efd02","", Music
"0","e01ffd02","ed124040", Photo -> BOOKMARK
#"0","e31cfd02","", Movies
"0","d52afd02","ff004040", 0
"0","de21fd02","fe014040", 1
"0","dd22fd02","fd024040", 2
"0","dc23fd02","fc034040", 3
"0","db24fd02","fb044040", 4
"0","da25fd02","fa054040", 5
"0","d926fd02","f9064040", 6
"0","d827fd02","f8074040", 7
"0","d728fd02","f7084040", 8
"0","d629fd02","f6094040", 9
"0","fd02fd02","bc434040", MUTE
"0","d42bfd02","b8474040", Delete -> TIME SEEK
"0","ff00fd02","ea154040", VOL+
"0","fc03fd02","e31c4040", VOL-
"0","ee11fd02","ba454040", Menu
"0","e718fd02","e41b4040", ZOOM+
"2","e41bfd02","zoom_out", ZOOM-
"0","f20dfd02","bd424040", RETURN
"0","f609fd02","f40b4040", UP
"0","fe01fd02","f10e4040", DOWN
"0","f50afd02","ef104040", LEFT
"0","f708fd02","ee114040", RIGHT
"0","f40bfd02","f20d4040", OK
"0","ec13fd02","e11e4040", |<<
"0","ef10fd02","e01f4040", >>|
"0","eb14fd02","e6194040", >> -> FWD
"0","e817fd02","e9164040", << -> RWD
"0","f30cfd02","be414040", STOP
"0","f00ffd02","bf404040", Play -> Play/Pause
"2","f10efd02","pause", Pause
"0","ed12fd02","b54a4040", SLOW
"0","d32cfd02","f00f4040", INS REPLAY -> EJECT
"0","d22dfd02","ec134040", CM SKIP -> TITLE
"0","ea15fd02","f30c4040", Edit -> SETUP
"0","e51afd02","bb444040", Resolution -> TV MODE
"0","e916fd02","b9464040", RepeatAll -> Repeat
"0","d12efd02","eb144040", RepeatA-B -> 16:9
#"0","d02ffd02","", L/R
"0","f906fd02","ac534040", Red
"0","f807fd02","e8174040", Green -> AUDIO
"0","fa05fd02","e7184040", Yellow -> SUBTITLE
"0","fb04fd02","ab544040", Blue
iNeXT HD1 W Fw: X3D_Series_V4.0.2b160406
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Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby gogofre » 12 Oct 2014, 20:19

Thak you but still doesn't work, what a nightmare, i really don't know what to do, fuck the day i touched the device.
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Posts: 6
Joined: 04 Oct 2014, 20:13

Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby Pokrass » 12 Oct 2014, 20:34

As I said earlier, reinstall firmware via reset button
iNeXT HD1 W Fw: X3D_Series_V4.0.2b160406
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ASUS logo boot-loop

Postby barbarossa42 » 05 Mar 2015, 23:52

Hy guys

I updated my ASUS O'Play HD2 trough the terminal commands.
I choose a skin (do not remember which one), and installed it.
After the player rebooted it got stuck in ASUS logo reboot loop.

I tried the reset button with the power cord and the USB (instal.img) but it stays on:
Preparing for update.
It takes a few seconds.

I scanned trough the forum but unfortunately in the few cases as mine is, when the user finds the solution - he/she doesn't share it.

So please help.

p.s. the reason I updated the firmware is because it used to disconnect the HDD (500MB WD Blue - no errors according to HDD Sentinel) 3-4 times each time I played something from it.

I hope someone will help.
Thank you in advance.
Posts: 2
Joined: 05 Mar 2015, 23:43

Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby Pokrass » 06 Mar 2015, 00:00

First of all viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1037

Read FAQ: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3523#p67060, viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3523#p67059 and viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3523&start=10#p67061

If you can't flash via USB you can try to flash via SATA - put install.img on hdd, connect via SATA and try to flash firmware.
iNeXT HD1 W Fw: X3D_Series_V4.0.2b160406
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Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby barbarossa42 » 14 Mar 2015, 16:50

Pokrass wrote:If you can't flash via USB you can try to flash via SATA - put install.img on hdd, connect via SATA and try to flash firmware.

Thank you for the suggestion. Do I need a fresh format (FAT,NTFS?) for the HDD before i put the install.img?
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Joined: 05 Mar 2015, 23:43

Re: Asus o!play HD2 Maby bricked HEEEELP

Postby FarVoice » 14 Mar 2015, 22:07

FAT is better, but rescue understand NTFS too
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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