Please read before asking a question

Please read before asking a question

Postby FarVoice » 16 Oct 2011, 00:34

Dear users!

Even though there is a small cost associated with running this discussion forum, everything is provided to you absolutely free of charge.
So before you ask a question:
Go to your profile, and in section Profile --> Signature write the model of your player, the current firmware you are using (if firmware is AMP write GUI also), and if your problem is network related - your router model.
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ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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