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What is the moServices?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 01:30

moServices (moS) is a package with main purpose to deliver additional services and fix some bugs of the original firmware in Media Player devices based on Realtek 1073 or 1283/1185/1186 chipsets. The core of moS is a set of scripts written in Bash (shell) used to install specially prepared extra modules with particular functionality.

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How to install moS to the player?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 01:33

Install moServices 3 - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1875
To remove moServices 3 - go to moServices-Settings in web-interface
It is necessary to take into account the specific firmware and understand that your modules are often depend on the firmware itself.
Also at the forum there is one relatively universal alternative firmware (suitable for a large number of players, but not at all) and also individual (see player model section) where moS is already preinstalled.

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Installing additional modules to moS3

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 01:40

Additional online services and modules are installing from the Web interface of the player (player IP in the browser on your computer). You need to go to top of page Services - Modules and install only the necessary ones.
Preferably, before installing update the list by the button at the top-left corner
btn_page_refresh.png (1.91 KiB) Viewed 465006 times

Same modules can be installed from the Services’ menu of moServices player. Once logged in, click Services, click on the <<, in the drop-side menu go to Modules and install what you need

The efficiency and relevance of online services, as well as their development is entirely dependent on their creators, rather than from the firmware or moServices.

Tip: No need to install all available modules at once. Start with a few online services, then gradually (by reading Forum), install the necessary ones.

A little bit about modules | +
iTunes media - server for DAAP Protocol (Digital Audio Access Protocol)
Media Tomb - ПAllows UPnP clients to distribute media content-video and music files, stream transfer, etc. Contains a built-in file manager, editor, media, has a convenient Web interface.
uShare UPnP/DLNA server - uPnP/DLNA server, alternative Media Tomb
xupnpd 1.0rc13 - another uPnP-Server
Mounts - mount module for custom sections, including network.
SAMBA - service to access file resources the player via smb (through "my network places" on windows). smb (через "Сетевое окружение" windows).
SpinDown - parking HDD. Stops the disks after a specified period of inactivity.
transmission - a tool for torrents. Discussion of this module is here
aria2 - another download manager for torrent downloads, and more. Discussion of the module is here
UDP-to-HTTP proxy - designed to convert udp multicast IPTV traffic in tcp-unicast (specifically http) traffic.
VsFTPd FTP - server to connect to the player by FTP (eg. Total Commander).
Actions on Power - operates the lights, fans, line mute, power etc. when incorporation and at standby. For those who have this functionality and (or) who need.
Reboot on Wakeup - reload the kernel immediately at wakeup for stability.
moServices on drive - installation moServices to a connected hard disk in ext3 format
AutoRun - autorun file on a mapped drive when you start the player.
Hdcp Off - for analog TV turns off demon Hdcp
IR Fake RC replacement - tool for working with remote control, bind the control to the firmware.
Remote date and time sync - date and time synchronization over the internet.
Remount drives - remount connected sections in R/W
Skin selector - to choose Player skins (GUIs).
Swap on drive - finds and connects the swap partition
RAM zipped SWAP - compressed page file directly in memory, without the use of HDD.
Home menu replacement - alternate main menu.

-IPTV List
-Sayler's Media RSS
-UA Online 2
-Digital Imported Radios
-Radio Top50
-IconBit Media
-Weather Yahoo

Capture TV screen - screenshot screen and remote control
Fake Shell - PHP emulator of terminal window
QuiXplorer - file manager
SMART HDD Tool - check HDD
System status - information/system status (player)
System monitoring - system-state diagram (player)

Important: The freshness of the available modules and the ones already installed (services) corresponds to the creation date of the firmware. So, check for updates and install them in the Web interface, by clicking on
btn_update_all.png (4.51 KiB) Viewed 465006 times

Don't forget periodically to check and apply the updates.

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What is AMP firmware?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 02:08

AMP - This is an unique developing firmware line for MARS-chipsets (RTL1 * * 3). Manufacturer and brand of your Player do not matter, but you can use AMP only if your device does not belong to this:

Black list of players based on Realtek processor

Discussion of firmware and its components is in this section of the Forum (in Russian language).

For players with other chipsets (1185 and 1186) the AMP firmware is not appropriate!
However, at the Forum, there are many alternative firmware on these chipsets with already installed and tested moS.

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What is the player’s blacklist?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 02:08

What is MD?
This special CPU feature locks all (or some) functionality.

Why you should not buy such a player?
1. In case of unsuccessful flashing with a probability of 99%, you have to return it under warranty, or if it's over, just to throw the device. These players cannot receive commands via the UART, which means that after unsuccessful flashing all hopes for restoration are doomed to failure.

2. You are entirely dependent on the manufacturer, no alternative for your player, except for the custom firmware built specifically for your player.

The main objective of MD:
1. To prevent the buyer to modify the functionality of the device
2. To limit the use of not encrypted (secure) media content, particularly in high quality

How to determine the processor type of purchased player?
There are no visible differences between MD or no - MD chips! Chip marking is not usual case.
Moreover, any chip can be easily done to MD variant by player manufacturer request, together with the firmware update.

The easiest option is to download a firmware from manufacturer, open the file install.img by 7-zip and check for folderN files with an extension .aes If there are such files, your player is with MD processor.

P.S.: Usually, players with MD black mark purposely restrict the performance of chips, prohibit or deteriorate the playback of HDMI content.

The list of these players and discussion is here (in Russian language).

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What are the AMP firmware components?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 02:11

1. AMP is the kernel and Installer set, made by enthusiasts.
2. GUI, this is everything you see on TV is a GUI (GUI, skin). From the producers of different players, they are different, and not only visually, but also functionally. With AMR, you are given the opportunity to choose any of them. GUI firmware you can change through skin selector without flashing.
3. moServices in minimum configuration contains: vsftpd, autorun, irfake, skin selector.

Discussion on the core and the GUI is in this section of the Forum (in Russian language).

The proper operation, playback and functionality of the GUI as well as built-in GUI services are provided by correspondent GUI creators (Asus, Iconbit, PlayOnHD, etc.). Questions about their work should be addressed directly to the relevant resources.

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What drives is best to use for flashing?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 02:17

For flashing it is better to use a blank USB flash drive formatted in fat32, by writing the file install.img from the supplied archive on it.

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What are the flashing methods?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 02:20

First, in the player must be inserted an USB Flash drive with the new firmware. Basic methods of reprogramming are the following:

1. The Standard method, by "update firmware" menu within your Player, if available.
The inconvenience is that it does not "clean" the files in /usr/local/etc/ depending of install_a file in the Firmware image. FYI, AMP Firmware for example, cleans everything to avoid any incompatibilities.
This method is recommended only when you upgrade an original manufacturer' Firmware or when you update over exact same type already in your Player (an incremental revision update).
If the "update firmware" menu is not available, you can do it by Telnet:
Code: Select all
kill -6 1

2. Soft reset(clears all memory before flashing). This is the most preferred because it runs on players with any bootcode (except players HD2 and some others - you will "brick" them):
Сonnect to the console (via Telnet or putty) to the player, at the command prompt, type:
for 1хх3 and 1хх5 players
Code: Select all
echo "        " | dd of=/dev/mtdblock/0 bs=2048 seek=8192
for 1186 players with no android FW
Code: Select all
echo "        " | dd of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=8192 seek=6912
for 1186 players with android FW
Code: Select all
echo "        " | dd of=/dev/block/mtdblock0 bs=8192 seek=6912
Be careful when entering the numbers; any mistake can brick the device!
-wait at the completion of the commands and type in the command prompt to reboot or turn off and turn on the power of the player to begin the process of flashing.

3. By using the reset button, the effect is similar to p. 2, only works on ASUS R1/R3 with boot 18 and above and from the R3 (Brown), the HD2 with the correct boot code, and other that have this functionality:
-power off the player, press the reset button (on other models that might be the Power button) (use a toothpick, paper clip, etc.; it is located between the usb and esata), and turn on the power of the player, wait until the message "Prepare for update ..." on the TV, release the button and update will start.

(This is the most reliable and safe method. It also checks the health of boot code)

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Before installing the AMP firmware on ASUS R1, R3, HD2

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 02:40

Any experiments with ASUS players begin with identifying the boot code revision especially for HD2.

For players with bootcode 18 and above and original firmware and AMR use the method through a reset and this works normally. On older bootcode revisions, many problems may occur as with installation or with your player.
Check the version of the boot code in the Asus HDP-R3 with the original firmware, you can by pressing the stop + play in the root menu.
In other cases, you should try flashing by reset. If firmware fails, you need to update the boot code.
In players HDP-R1 with Blue Board, reset button does not function. The firmware must be done through the soft-reset. To avoid problems, it is better to update the boot code.

In any case or problems, you can update the boot code to most recent one:

Update boot code without cable for Asus R1/R3/HD2 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=98

Update bootcode with a USB-TTL cable viewtopic.php?f=12&t=78

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