by lymax » 13 Nov 2017, 17:35
you have "normal" stream - the index is constant.
luckyson has find hls-stream, it contains sequence of small parts, 20 sec each. but he has set not an hls/m3u8 address, he has find address of one piece. vlc player ask the server for this one, and if the option "repeat the playlist" is set, it gets another piece. but our player can't do it. it can work correctly only with m3u8-format of playlist.
Марсы: 2*Emtec Movie Cube S800H (amp_r12 vrtn + amp_r12 noGUI[NFS/Samba/FTP/Trans])
Сатурны: Iconbit XDS73D + eGreat R6S Pro (ампс + скин 3Dgui)
+ eGreat R6S Pro (ампс ногуй) + 2*eGreat R6S для тестов
Сеть/Инет: LAN / WLAN 300Mb / ADSL 16Mb