Stupid question

Stupid question

Postby xury » 27 Feb 2013, 04:14

Is it possible to send messages to the screen, for example, through the web browser?

If it is possible to capture, so it can possible to vice versa?

For eq. text convert to picture and send to screen ?

If is a only my fantasy please ignore this topic :)
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Re: Stupid question

Postby Pokrass » 27 Feb 2013, 04:27

I remember that I send photos to screen via Android smartphone with Asus O!play mediashare/UPnPlayer/AllShare. So I think its possible - you just need to search software to convert text in picture and software to send picture to player. But it's will be photo and it will be displayed in photoviewer.
So I don't know how make it similar Player's OS
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