Making another skin for AMP

Making another skin for AMP

Postby bobafetthotmail » 26 May 2014, 14:23

I want to make skin with original interface for ntr83 so I can use other functions like Digital TV Tuner and the mediabox buttons and screen and lights will work well.

I have linux PC and tools, can make and extract yaffs2 and squash (with correct setting for firmware).
I don't know how to integrate files from original ntr83 firmware with AMP.
Tried to change skin in the AMP11 but failed. :cry:

Can you tell me how can I do it?
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby FarVoice » 26 May 2014, 16:30

Why not :)
For example, icon:
Skin (more GUI and resources ) is a directory in /usr/share/bin/icon where is mandatory have the following things:
bin.squash - squash image of /usr/local/bin directory from FW with empty Resources folder
res.default.squash - squash image of /usr/local/bin/Resources directory
icon.ini - GUI description file
icon.default.ini - skin (resources) description file
icon.default.png - skin thumbnail

See also /usr/share/bin/boot_fw /usr/share/bin/ boot_fw.conf

Tools for manipulatios yaffs2 squashfs images yoг can get from viewtopic.php?p=2609#p2609 (in Russian)
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby bobafetthotmail » 02 Jun 2014, 02:36

Thanks! I made skin and it works (the first time).

When I reboot, dvdplayer binary initializes TVB-T chip, but there is no driver in AMP12. So it reboot, reboot, reboot, reboot always. :lol:

Could not find driver in official firmware, kernel is bigger than AMP kernel, so the driver seems inside kernel. I cannot extract driver.

I opened the NTR83 and looked at TVB-T chip. It is realtek 2830. I found source code for driver here ... /rtl2830.c ... /rtl2830.h ... 830_priv.h

I have no tools to compile it for little endian processor. I know how to compile in Linux but don't know good cross-compiler and settings for this mediabox.

You added drivers for many devices, so maybe you have tools to compile. I don't like to annoy you again, :oops: but can you tell me what you used?
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby Virtual » 02 Jun 2014, 04:43

99 % a problem - incorrectly has collected bin.squash
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby bobafetthotmail » 02 Jun 2014, 08:01

After first install I can use skin and it works until I reboot or use digital TV. Then it crash and reboot, and again and again...
because it does TV antenna check every time it turns on.

I think is driver problem, skin works. :?
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby FarVoice » 02 Jun 2014, 09:52

please send console log of this crash
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby FarVoice » 02 Jun 2014, 18:34

and give me a link to FW
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby bobafetthotmail » 04 Jun 2014, 12:16

When problem happens it reboots reboots reboots forever. Only way to get logs is with hardware debug serial pins (UART/JTAG). When I have time to solder connector pins I will post logs. Sorry for delay.

Official firmware is here
The firmware for device NTR83 and NTR82 (same device, different box). Other sites are dead now, but they all listed same firmware (different number versions but same firmware lol).

I tried with version 95, 88 and 82. I used your linux script (the img script with the tool folder) in a Linux Mint Debian PC both as root and as user.
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby FarVoice » 04 Jun 2014, 13:58

update sskin module and try to install ntr83 gui manually
Code: Select all
sskin get ntr83 default
sskin change ntr83 default
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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Re: Making another skin for AMP

Postby coreska » 12 Jul 2015, 09:05

NTR82 device I use to amp_r12. I made him an NTR GUI, which is to be launched.
But the operation is not perfect. HDD is not always loaded, and does not come to play. Can you help me in what could be the problem?
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