Asus O!Play TV Pro - MoServices

Asus O!Play TV Pro - MoServices

Postby bolopez » 22 Apr 2014, 18:48

I've tried to install MoServices in my Asus O!Play TV Pro, but results are not as expected.

In fact, everything seems to install (after creating a symlink to get more space), and for example, MediaTomb works fine when started manually. The problem is that nothing can be started automatically, because it seems that Rc.S is not executed when turning on the device (cold or warms start, or even rebooting). Of course, I can't modify anything in /etc nor in /, because it's a readonly filesystem and there's no way to modify this status (yaffs filesystem?).

Is there anything I'm missing or anything that could be done? TV Pro includes Transmission BT client, but I can't find a way to modify the parameters (i.e. download speed), and I always have to change them manually when booting TV Pro.

Thanks in advance.

Ps. Does anyone know about a custom firmware for this device? I can't find any.
Asus O!Play TV Pro FW 2.8.0618C (Last official FW)
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Re: Asus O!Play TV Pro - MoServices

Postby Virtual » 22 Apr 2014, 20:22

O!Play TV Pro..........
The black list
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HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
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Re: Asus O!Play TV Pro - MoServices

Postby bolopez » 23 Apr 2014, 11:29

It seems I should have learn Russian before :(...

Ok, anyway, despite not being able to use any alternative firmware, is there any way to use MoServices? I mean, any way to run scripts or programs at boot?

Thanks you for your support.
Asus O!Play TV Pro FW 2.8.0618C (Last official FW)
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Re: Asus O!Play TV Pro - MoServices

Postby FarVoice » 23 Apr 2014, 13:25

sorry, but asus developers left 13 mbytes for /usr/local/etc and moS not part.
I tried to modify fw, but I don't have this device, and people, who test my modded fw has not console cable. And as a result, we have not finished the process to the end. If you want to participate in the celebration - welcome.
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Re: Asus O!Play TV Pro - MoServices

Postby bolopez » 23 Apr 2014, 15:47

I think I've read about this on the forum. I'll try to build the console cable and will get back :)
Asus O!Play TV Pro FW 2.8.0618C (Last official FW)
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Re: Asus O!Play TV Pro - MoServices

Postby FarVoice » 23 Apr 2014, 21:31

Ok. "Waiting, sleeping, drinking the wine"
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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