HowTo: Use different RC's with HD2 FW

Re: HowTo: Use different RC's with HD2 FW

Postby graphdarnell » 24 Jan 2013, 09:14

I have the same issue with a Philips RC (prestigo). You push button, and it would register as if you hit twice. Thus, I cannot move from one file to the next as it always skips one to jump to the third file on that row. Every other button exhibits the same behavior. I am using the R9 Iconbit version. Any idea why??

BTW, this may seem primitive to experts in here, but I found the way to insert "Slow forward" into the IR Fake commands. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to show what I did.
Firmware Amp_r13_nogui
Netgear WNR2000
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Re: HowTo: Use different RC's with HD2 FW

Postby john3voltas » 24 Jan 2013, 15:00

graphdarnell wrote:BTW, this may seem primitive to experts in here, but I found the way to insert "Slow forward" into the IR Fake commands. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to show what I did.

I'm not an expert but could you show us what you did? Also, can you explain what "slow forward" means? Is it slow motion?
ASUS O!Play HDP-R1 (Bootcode 23)
AMP r10 (iconBIT skin)
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Re: HowTo: Use different RC's with HD2 FW

Postby graphdarnell » 28 Jan 2013, 10:04

john3voltas wrote:
graphdarnell wrote:BTW, this may seem primitive to experts in here, but I found the way to insert "Slow forward" into the IR Fake commands. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to show what I did.

I'm not an expert but could you show us what you did? Also, can you explain what "slow forward" means? Is it slow motion?

Sorry about the belated answer. I've been busy. "slow forward" allows slow motion forward - 3/4X;1/2X;1/4X and so on. What I did was I flashed R9 for HD2 first, copied the script of irfake settings to a text editor (Script 1). I flashed Iconbit R9 (HDS41L), copied the same script from this firmware to text editor (Script 2). I erased it from the installed firmware. I copied the settings for Iconbit from Script 1 (Iconbit HDS7L) which had "slow forward" function to Script 2, and assigned a key from the RC to that function. The result is below:

# IconBit HDS41L codes
#"0","","8a754040", POWER
#"0","","f00f4040", EJECT

#"0","","fe014040", 1
#"0","","fd024040", 2
#"0","","fc034040", 3
#"0","","fb044040", 4
#"0","","fa054040", 5
#"0","","f9064040", 6
#"0","","f8074040", 7
#"0","","f7084040", 8
#"0","","f6094040", 9
#"0","","ff004040", 0
#"0","","ba454040", MENU
#"0","","ec134040", TITLE

#"0","","ea154040", VOL+
#"0","","e31c4040", VOL-
#"0","","e11e4040", PREV
#"0","","e01f4040", NEXT

#"0","","bc434040", MUTE
#"0","","e8174040", AUDIO

#"0","","e51a4040", HOME
#"0","","bd424040", RETURN

#"0","","ef104040", LEFT
#"0","","f40b4040", UP
#"0","","ee114040", RIGHT
#"0","","f10e4040", DOWN
#"0","","f20d4040", OK

#"0","","e21d4040", INFO
#"0","","b8474040", TIME SEEK

#"0","","e9164040", RWD
#"0","","bf404040", PLAY/PAUSE
#"0","","be414040", STOP
#"0","","e6194040", FWD

#"0","","e7184040", SUBTITLE
#"0","","b54a4040", SLOW
#"0","","b9464040", REPEAT
#"0","","ed124040", BOOKMARK

#"0","","e41b4040", ZOOM
#"0","","eb144040", 16:9
#"0","","f30c4040", SETUP
#"0","","bb444040", TV MODE

#"0","","ac534040", RED
#"0","","a45b4040", GREEN
#"0","","ab544040", BLUE
#"0","","a8574040", YELLOW
# O!Play R1 - HDS41L

"0","a956686c","8a754040", POWER
#"0","","f00f4040", EJECT
#"0","","fe014040", 1
#"0","","fd024040", 2
#"0","","fc034040", 3
#"0","","fb044040", 4
#"0","","fa054040", 5
#"0","","f9064040", 6
#"0","","f8074040", 7
#"0","","f7084040", 8
#"0","","f6094040", 9
#"0","","ff004040", 0
"0","fa05686c","ba454040", PLAY_MUSIC -> MENU
#"0","","ec134040", TITLE
"0","e41b686c","ea154040", VOL+
"0","b34c686c","e31c4040", VOL-
"0","e619686c","e11e4040", PREV
"0","ec13686c","e01f4040", NEXT
#"0","","bc434040", MUTE
"0","a857686c","e8174040", AUDIO
"0","bf40686c","e51a4040", HOME
"0","bb44686c","bd424040", RETURN
"0","a758686c","ef104040", LEFT
"0","a15e686c","f40b4040", UP
"0","a05f686c","ee114040", RIGHT
"0","a35c686c","f10e4040", DOWN
"0","a25d686c","f20d4040", OK
"0","ab54686c","e21d4040", DISPLAY -> INFO
#"0","","b8474040", TIME SEEK
"0","be41686c","e9164040", RWD
"0","e718686c","bf404040", PLAY/PAUSE
"0","fb04686c","be414040", STOP
"0","e817686c","e6194040", FWD
"0","a45b686c","e7184040", SUBTITLE
#"0","","b54a4040", SLOW
#"0","","b9464040", REPEAT
#"0","a55a686c","ed124040", REPEAT -> BOOKMARK
"2","a55a686c","sfwd", REPEAT -> Slow forward
"0","bd42686c","e41b4040", ZOOM
#"0","","eb144040", 16:9
"0","ba45686c","f30c4040", SETUP
#"0","","bb444040", TV MODE
#"0","","ac534040", RED
"0","b649686c","a45b4040", MODE -> GREEN
#"0","","ab544040", BLUE
#"0","","a8574040", YELLOW
# Iconbit HDS7L
"0","ad529f00","ab54686c", INFO -> DISPLAY
"0","e51a9f00","ba45686c", SETUP
"2","fe019f00","pscan", TV SYS
"0","be419f00","b748686c", COPY -> PHOTO
"0","b8479f00","bf40686c", HOME
"0","bc439f00","a15e686c", UP
"0","f50a9f00","a35c686c", DOWN
"0","f9069f00","a758686c", LEFT
"0","f10e9f00","a05f686c", RIGHT
"0","fd029f00","a25d686c", OK
"0","b04f9f00","bb44686c", RETURN
"2","b9469f00","eject", INS REPLAY -> EJECT
"0","ba459f00","af50686c", CM SKIP -> DISK MENU
"0","ee119f00","e31c686c", 0
"0","fa059f00","e21d686c", 1
"0","f6099f00","e11e686c", 2
"0","ea159f00","e01f686c", 3
"0","fb049f00","df20686c", 4
"0","f7089f00","de21686c", 5
"0","eb149f00","dd22686c", 6
"0","ff009f00","dc23686c", 7
"0","ef109f00","db24686c", 8
"0","f30c9f00","da25686c", 9
"0","af509f00","e718686c", PLAY
"2","a55a9f00","pause", PAUSE/STEP -> Pause
"0","ec139f00","fb04686c", STOP
"0","f40b9f00","ec13686c", >>|
"0","f00f9f00","e619686c", |<<
"0","fc039f00","e817686c", >>
"0","f8079f00","be41686c", <<
"2","b24d9f00","sfwd", SLOW -> Slow forward
"2","f20d9f00","search", GOTO
"0","a7589f00","a55a686c", REPEAT
"0","b34c9f00","d926686c", A-B
"0","b7489f00","a45b686c", SUBTITLE
"0","b6499f00","a857686c", AUDIO
"2","a6599f00","angle", ANGLE
"2","bb449f00","zoom", ZOOM+
"0","e8179f00","e41b686c", VOL+
"0","ab549f00","b34c686c", VOL-
"0","a45b9f00","ae51686c", MUTE
"2","bf409f00","zoom_out", ZOOM-
"0","e9169f00","b54a686c", MENU
"0","b54a9f00","b946686c", BROWSER -> MOVIES
"2","b14e9f00","option_blue", CONFIRM -> CAPTURE
"0","aa559f00","b44b686c", SELECT -> FILE
"0","a9569f00","b847686c", MUSIC

In the section for O! Play R1, you can see I first disabled the "Repeat" key on the RC, then reassigned "Slow forward" function to it on the next line (in Red). I used that key 'cause the "Mode" key somehow did not register that function. Save the script, copy it back to its original location (/usr/local/etc/irfake.conf), and you're done. Have fun!
Firmware Amp_r13_nogui
Netgear WNR2000
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Re: HowTo: Use different RC's with HD2 FW

Postby maex » 01 Apr 2013, 03:46

guys, after sooome time i have upgraded by o!play R1 to amp_r9_icon. Everything works well but,

Mode button dont let me add net shares (\\\costam).

1) How can I edit RC codes so I can add it by my R1 RC, please?
2a) is there any way to add it by webRC/androidRC ??
2b) or where I shoudl mount shares so I can reach them from Menu -> Movies -> shares

ps. my last try after hours of fight! :?

Code: Select all
mkdir -p /tmp/ramfs/volumes/download
mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx,iocharset=utf8 '\\\download' /tmp/ramfs/volumes/download

...or mount it under usb, however still cant see that under Menu/Movies
o!play HDP-R1/2A @ hds42l GUI (amp_r9_icon)
Linux Venus #323636_r9 Sun Aug 12 18:44:08 MSD 2012 mips GNU/Linux
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Re: HowTo: Use different RC's with HD2 FW

Postby maex » 13 Apr 2013, 10:32

did you guys move onto differed platform?
o!play HDP-R1/2A @ hds42l GUI (amp_r9_icon)
Linux Venus #323636_r9 Sun Aug 12 18:44:08 MSD 2012 mips GNU/Linux
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Re: HowTo: Use different RC's with HD2 FW

Postby miles » 15 Jan 2014, 12:02

Can anyone help me with irfake configuration for Conrad HD Player (Zinwell ZIN-5005HD clone)? None of pre-installed remote control config (like above) work. Firmware update goes without any problem, but remote doesn't work. Is it possible to run irfake in monitor/listen mode, to log keys pressed etc. ? How to do it?

I've found this but it doesn't work:

"0","e31c7906","ad52b649", MUTE
"0","e8177906","ae51b649", VOL+
"0","ec137906","b04fb649", VOL-
"0","ff007906","e41bb649", HOME(eject)
"0","bc437906","bc43b649", RETURN
"0","ed127906","f50ab649", OK
"0","e9167906","b54ab649", UP
"0","af507906","b14eb649", DOWN
"0","ab547906","ed12b649", LEFT
"0","ea157906","b44bb649", RIGHT
"0","c7387906","e718b649", CONFIRM
"0","e41b7906","ab54b649", BROWSER(a-b)
"0","e21d7906","ef10b649", SELECT
"0","c6397906","fb04b649", COPY(edit)
"0","cc337906","af50b649", SETUP
"0","ee117906","b946b649", SUBTITLE
"0","e6197906","ec13b649", ZOOM+
"0","ef107906","ec13b649", ZOOM-
"0","e01f7906","fd02b649", GOTO
"0","a05f7906","bb44b649", INFO
"0","be417906","a956b649", PLAY
"0","fb047906","ea15b649", STOP
"0","fd027906","e817b649", |<<
"0","fc037906","a857b649", >>|
"0","ba457906","f20db649", >>
"0","b8477906","f609b649", <<
"0","e51a7906","fc03b649", PAUSE
"0","b34c7906","f906b649", 1
"0","f10e7906","f807b649", 2
"0","f20d7906","be41b649", 3
"0","8c737906","e916b649", 4
"0","f50a7906","bf40b649", 5
"0","f6097906","aa55b649", 6
"0","bb447906","f10eb649", 7
"0","f9067906","b748b649", 8
"0","fa057906","bd42b649", 9
"0","f8077906","b34cb649", 0
"0","bd427906","ba45b649", AUDIO
"0","e7187906","e51ab649", POWER
"0","aa557906","b847b649", TV SYS
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