Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recovered

Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recovered

Postby sharkys » 07 Oct 2011, 19:32

I'm curious, is there some way how to make some autoshutdown plugin - eg. which will shutdown/put to standby device when it's not used 120secs. after start (or power recovery) or for example after given timeout during screensaver? Something similar exists for Dreambox satelitte receivers - it's called autostandby plugin and Electro...but on Asus O!Play R1 it's another story.

Thank you.
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Re: Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recover

Postby john3voltas » 29 Oct 2011, 01:28

I think this is a very interesting feature request.
I don't even know how much we would save on power consumption but it sounds...right.
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Re: Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recover

Postby pborus » 29 Oct 2011, 02:43

Why reinvent the wheel? Please, see the first line of the message Viper_Rus in ... hedRootApp. Is the difference in energy consumption for 180 seconds(5 minutes-120 seconds) seconds is so big? And,finally, in the latest firmware from the forum, there are quite a flexible system of settings mode power consumption. Patriot Box Office RUS
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Re: Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recover

Postby sharkys » 29 Oct 2011, 10:19

I'm not sure if I understand properly - could you please elaborate a little bit on that ? I would really appreciate any simple guide, how to ensure that after power recovery (or insertion of power cord) the device goes sleep automatically - my device doesn't, it's still awake even after two hours without pressing any button - it launch screensaver only. Thank you for support.
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Re: Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recover

Postby john3voltas » 29 Oct 2011, 15:31

Hi and thanks for replying.
I've read this:
In our player we have bad feature - incorrect work when you turn off / on with the remote. At the time of being killed off all the services, but when you turn just restarted DvdPlayer, while newly copied directory tmp. I had to connect to the package module Patched RootApp, which allows you to run scripts when events suspend and wakeup, which is in suspend properly shutting down services, and when wakeup their runs.

But unfortunately, I'm afraid I didn't understand a single word :(.
Can you please explain me/us?
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idle-shutdown on HDP-R3

Postby astrong » 30 Nov 2015, 22:28


does anybody knows a script/function where i can set a time in seconds/minutes to shutdown the asus after idle time?

i've only found sleep timer, but thats not the same.

thanks a lot!

ps: viewtopic.php?t=1014&p=19174

same problem but still no solution!
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Re: Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recover

Postby Pokrass » 01 Dec 2015, 02:35

First of all viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1037!

There is no auto shutdown in vrtn gui.

P.s. Stop create new themes for every your question (Forum rules 4.3.1).
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Re: Autoshutdown / autostandby - eg. when power gets recover

Postby babb1 » 30 Dec 2015, 17:35

Is it possible with a script?
AMP r12 with vrtn gui does not go to sleep after 5 minutes after the power cord inserted...
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