moServices and FW R1_133(135)/R3_121(123)

moServices and FW R1_133(135)/R3_121(123)

Postby FarVoice » 24 Oct 2010, 20:52

The WiFi problem
The new firmware R1_133(135)/R3_121(123) was completely recompiled and changed the driver WiFi adapter (external or internal - it does not matter) seems to show the signal level in the Network menu.
Whether because of the curve hands of programmers Asus, or on some intent, but when it detects WiFi adapter main program DvdPlayer falls, completing the boot session, which entails stopping all processes running in this session. Then RootApp (another very main program player) raises DvdPlayer, but in another session, bypassing the upload script rcS.
I found the solution to this problem, using the holes in DvdPlayer.

Patch of the fall moServices when detection WiFi for FW R1_133/R3_121:
Code: Select all
cd /tmp
chmod +x install_fp_121

The RSS Ex problem
Continuing the theme recompiled the OS - now we have reduced awk in BusyBox, so scripts that use this word processor is not working properly.
Solving this problem, I discovered a global vulnerability - Root partition has 1 MB of free space. I.e. enough to mount / -o remount,rw, and you can safely write and delete files in any directory.
On this vulnerability I made the second patch - awk.

The patch, which replaces the reduces awk on FW R1_133/R3_121:
Code: Select all
cd /tmp
chmod +x install_awk_121
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby Janaboy » 11 Nov 2010, 02:24

FarVoice wrote:The WiFi problem
The new firmware R1_133/R3_121 was completely recompiled and changed the driver WiFi adapter (external or internal - it does not matter) seems to show the signal level in the Network menu.
Whether because of the curve hands of programmers Asus, or on some intent, but when it detects WiFi adapter main program DvdPlayer falls, completing the boot session, which entails stopping all processes running in this session. Then RootApp (another very main program player) raises DvdPlayer, but in another session, bypassing the upload script rcS.
I found the solution to this problem, using the holes in DvdPlayer.

Patch of the fall moServices when detection WiFi for FW R1_133/R3_121:
Code: Select all
cd /tmp
chmod +x install_fp_121

The RSS Ex problem
Continuing the theme recompiled the OS - now we have reduced awk in BusyBox, so scripts that use this word processor is not working properly.
Solving this problem, I discovered a global vulnerability - Root partition has 1 MB of free space. I.e. enough to mount / -o remount,rw, and you can safely write and delete files in any directory.
On this vulnerability I made the second patch - awk.

The patch, which replaces the reduces awk on FW R1_133/R3_121:
Code: Select all
cd /tmp
chmod +x install_awk_121

FarVoices: these problems are fixed in new moservices? Or need install this way?

And do you have any idea why only the half of the player can play videos from youtube with RSS EX? I install the same and play everything..somebody else install too, and nothing play..
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby FarVoice » 11 Nov 2010, 02:49

Janaboy wrote:FarVoices: these problems are fixed in new moservices? Or need install this way?

And do you have any idea why only the half of the player can play videos from youtube with RSS EX? I install the same and play everything..somebody else install too, and nothing play..

Problems are not in moServices :) Problems are in new FW.
If you use this firmware and want to use moServices install these patches it is necessary. Both.

About YouTube: I don't know, why someone else does not play. My YouTube is playing.
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby kok » 06 Dec 2010, 04:39

Upon upgrading to 1.33 firmware from ASUS, I experienced core dump from Transmission 2.04 or 2.12? and it crashed http daemon as well. Anyone else?

The following was from "dmesg" -

do_page_fault() #2: sending SIGSEGV to transmission-da for invalid write access to
7ebfefb8 (epc == 2af618ac, ra == 2af618d0)
current context: 2e10
dvr_asid: 0x64
########## Can't find corresponding page of user stack...
sending signal: 11
Call Trace:
[<801506f4>] force_sig_info+0x54/0x17c
[<80500480>] ip_auto_config+0x7a8/0x9c4
[<805004ac>] ip_auto_config+0x7d4/0x9c4
[<80500480>] ip_auto_config+0x7a8/0x9c4
[<80121b48>] do_page_fault+0x3b8/0x450
[<8012190c>] do_page_fault+0x17c/0x450
[<803a03a8>] sk_free+0x234/0x37c
[<801ad10c>] filp_open+0x30/0x300
[<801dd820>] iput+0x5c/0xa4
[<801ad504>] get_unused_fd+0x128/0x1fc
[<801aff8c>] __fput+0x2dc/0x3ec
[<801afd18>] __fput+0x68/0x3ec
[<801ad7d0>] sys_open+0x104/0x144
[<801ad7a4>] sys_open+0xd8/0x144
[<80122208>] tlb_do_page_fault_1+0x100/0x108
[<8011f560>] stack_done+0x20/0x3c
[<801aff8c>] __fput+0x2dc/0x3ec
[<801afd18>] __fput+0x68/0x3ec

save exit: isCheckpointed 1
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby suarez23 » 22 Dec 2010, 12:10


For a few last months I could watch youtube on my R1 with fw.1.18 then 1.21 and moservice installed. There was no problem with youtube and fw 1.21 after I pached moservice but.... since about two weeks when I'm trying to watch anything on YT I see "cannot play this media".
I tried to reinstall everything, back to fw 1.18 but YT is not working, "cannot play this media" appears.
Do you konw maybe where the problem is ? Does anybody has the same problem ?

ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r8 HD2 skin)
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby XXBIGMACXX » 23 Dec 2010, 19:10

R1 com Firmware 1.18 ou 1.21 R3, youtube off.


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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby msnews » 29 Dec 2010, 20:09


I've been using ftp and Samba for a while. There is one intermittent problem. I can save files to the attached eSata HDD via FTP or SAMBA most time, but sometimes I could not. It become read-only. Rebooting the unit for a few times may resolve the read-only issue. But this time I could not get it resolve. Please advice me.

HDP-R3 with AMP_R13
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby gush » 10 Jan 2011, 22:04

"Jdownloader" o "freerapidownloader" exist for moServices?
Or exists similar program in moServices?
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby FarVoice » 10 Jan 2011, 22:58

And where get a Java for our player?
ASUS O!Play R1 (amp_r12_vrtn), xTreamer Pro (amp_r12_vrt), xTreamer Prodigy (iNeXT 2.14 r2), IconBIT HDR12L (amp_r12_vrt), 3Q F425HW (xds42gl_7725_r3), MyGica A11 (mygica_m3_20121222)
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Re: moServices and FW R1_133/R3_121

Postby gush » 14 Jan 2011, 16:39

Vercion torrent (btpd) with firm 1.21 or 1.33 ?
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