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How to download torrents?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 06:18

There are two torrent clients in moServices:
aria2 - discussion is here (in Russian language)
transmission - discussion is here (in Russian language)
    To access the Web interface of transmission use login: torrent, pass: 1234

Both modules can be installed via the Web interface of the player.

For stable operation with torrents is desirable
1. A hard drive connected to the SATA/eSATA of the player
2. For players with 128 MB RAM hard drive it is preferably to create a swap partition (as a linux swap) and install the Swap On Drive module in the player.

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What is a Swap partition?

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 06:26

SWAP is paging.
Paging is implemented in MS Windows by paging file.
In the player (Linux), you must create a separate partition on the hard disk as Linux Swap.
In practice, the player need swap only to work with torrents. In other cases, it is almost never used.

1. Create a new folder on the hard disk swap partition in linux swap, connecting it to your computer. You can do this by programs such as Acronis Disk Director, Paragon Partition Manager or any other. Some programs offer several options of format required, unfortunately will have to find out by experience.

Do not create the swap partition is more than double the amount of RAM. (i.e. If you have 128 MB of memory-swap partition must be no more than 256 MB)

2. Select the Web-based module Player Swap on drive

On startup, this module scans sections of the connected devices (drives, Flash drives) and if there is a section marked up as Linux Swap it connects it to a swap system. On shutdown it switches it off respectively.
It is not recommended to create a swap partition on the Flash drive! It would only decrease the performance, it can cause lockups and over time will kill the drive.

Attention: do not remove the media with swap while is working! In 90% of cases it will lead to freezing the player! First switch off (you can do by the remote control, if you have PatchedRootApp) and only then remove it.

To view the current size of the Swap, go to Web interface in More-System information and there under "cat /proc/meminfo" look at the size of the SWAP. If more than 32 k, then your swap is connected.
Well, you can also use Telnet command "free" to see the size of the swap.

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Problems with a module

Postby moServices » 15 Feb 2014, 06:38

In the case of services, or patches on your moServices set:

1. Verify that all modules have been updated and are operating correctly.
2. Use the Forum search and FAQ, find the topic corresponding to this module. Perhaps your problem is known and described. If you do not find a solution, describe the problem or error you have found.
3. If you have programming skills and can fix the module yourself, it would be grateful if you put your achievements to module topic.

If an Online module of the moServices no longer works or does not work properly:

1. Verify that all modules have been updated and are operating correctly.
2. Check if there any changes on the module' source website.
3. Check for updates of this module; perhaps this problem has already been solved.
4. Use the Forum search and FAQ, find the topic corresponding to this module (in some cases, there are separate sites) and review the detailed description of the problem or error you have found. If the module has its own resource support, you must write directly there.
5. If you have programming skills and can fix the module yourself, it would be grateful if you put your achievements to module topic.

The errors in modules will be corrected (if technically realizable) by authors when possible. Any attempt to speed up the process or apply any pressure to authors extremely rare brings positive results.

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