Восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке Saturn(1186)

о железе плеера и о периферии

Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Robixman » 29 Jul 2015, 23:56

Dear Gurus,
some repeated electric blackout had bricked my beloved Egreat R6S (non Pro). Nothing appears on screen panel, no signal coming from HDMI output.
The serial consol shows that:
Code: Select all

or, when Iam lucky:
Code: Select all

I have tried the methods according the 1.post with no success, but I don't realy know that I made it was right. - It is hard for a hungarian to understand google translated russian text. :?

I dont want to put many garbage post here, so if I ask, somebody please help me in private message!
Egreat R6S - iNeXT_FW_v.2.20_mod_CS.r0.1.5
Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Jul 2015, 18:50

Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Virtual » 30 Jul 2015, 21:13

change your AC/DC adapter
фраза ?hello.world
это не просто слово... это посимвольный вывод шагов включения систем чипа.
если ?hello.world не полностью - значит что либо не включилось. часто это проблемы с 5v. AC/DC adapter
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Joined: 01 Oct 2010, 17:17
Location: RU

Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Robixman » 31 Jul 2015, 00:37

OK, I will try to buy/borrow an adapter.

:shock: 8-) :mrgreen: It works!
I found an 5.7V (instead of 5V) Nokia AC/DC adapter at home, and the player is working! The menu screen appears too, against I tought that I totaly screwed the bootloader.

(At the very beginning, my first move was to measure the adapters voltage. It shows 5,3V. It looks good, I tought...)

Egreat R6S - iNeXT_FW_v.2.20_mod_CS.r0.1.5
Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Jul 2015, 18:50

Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Drewxa » 19 Aug 2015, 11:02

Всем доброго времени суток!
Пока я тут читаю 61 страницу форума, может, кто-то что-то успеет раньше подсказать)
Итак, проблема такова:
имеется плеер BlueTimes Eva Vision mini, у которого слетела прошивка, на стандартное обнуление прошивки(через флешку) не реагировал даже с попыткой обновить загрузчик. Наткнулся на форуме про обновление через uart, обзавелся программатором, hyper terminal, инструкцией и распиновкой подключения. Все по инструкции до последнего момента, то есть, загрузки прошивки нанд (1186_c0000_b0402_demo_nand_bt_gbit_v2_256x2_rsq.0000.0402.0060.bin), шло идеально: терминал подключился, команды выполнились с первого раза, а вот при загрузке через ymodem-g ничего не происходило и выдавалось сообщение, что нет ответа от устройства. Т.к. делал это на работе, отвлекли в самый неподходящий момент) ну я всю эту конструкцию поотключал, вот теперь о проблеме:
при повторном подключении к терминалу, уже ничего не высвечивается, сделать трансфер прошивки есть возможность, но так и пишет, что нет ответа от устройства. Может, у кого было что подобное?
BlueTimes Eva Visiom mini (2.0.82)
Posts: 16
Joined: 19 Aug 2015, 10:45

Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Drewxa » 19 Aug 2015, 16:05

Да, вижу, можно шарманку еще восстановить, собираю инфу тут, анализирую, но был бы сильно благодарен, если бы разжевали по пунктам) есть вопрос по пункту инструкции "из шапки": .специальный файл конфигурации для входа в режим восстановления-как он должен выглядеть?) остальное есть. а и да, правильно ли я понял, что она мне поможет(инструкция из шапки)?
BlueTimes Eva Visiom mini (2.0.82)
Posts: 16
Joined: 19 Aug 2015, 10:45

Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Virtual » 19 Aug 2015, 21:14

1. лог с шланга при включении где?
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Posts: 6865
Joined: 01 Oct 2010, 17:17
Location: RU

Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Drewxa » 20 Aug 2015, 10:18

=) Шланг-в данном случае это...?) + я так и не понял,куда он пишется у гипертерминала, а при последующих подключениях(после первого неудавшегося) уже ничего не происходит в окне терминала, однако, бин файл я могу закинуть, кнопка отправки активна. а получить лог с командной строки по инструкции в шапке я не могу, так как не понял что за "специальный файл конфигурации для входа в режим восстановления"
BlueTimes Eva Visiom mini (2.0.82)
Posts: 16
Joined: 19 Aug 2015, 10:45

Re: Как восстановить после неудачной прошивки.

Postby s_alexandre » 20 Aug 2015, 16:43

Подскажите пожалуйста!
Egreat R6S (wifi, usb3.0, sata)

Уже не запускался без флешки, но обновлял всегда только БУТ
Скормил от INext и завалил его
теперь всегда при нажатом ресет и любых прошивах обновляет только бут и потом в зеленый экран.

Подключил к консоли, erase -e, erase -m
Вот лог консоли
| +
decrypt Jump!klmnopqrstu5280 wait5280 wait4K&Detect H27UBG8T2B and enable read-r
etrial mode...
Enable Read-retrial mode...
load bbt...copy t_extern_param to ram fail!!

* Exception : Address error (load or instruction fetch) *
BadVAddr = 0xb5f1d799 Cause = 0x08800010
Compare = 0x00000000 Config = 0x
Config1 = 0xbea3719f Config2 = 0x80000000
Config3 = 0x00002020 Conte
xt = 0x7776e010
Count = 0xdcc690bb DEPC = 0xefefc7ff
Debug = 0x8201bc0
5 EBase = 0x80000000
EPC = 0x8005fb3c EntryHi = 0x3f9fc000
EntryLo0 = 0
x03fe97f9 EntryLo1 = 0x01def317
ErrorEPC = 0x9ef8fe38 HWREna = 0x00000000
x = 0x00000034 IntCtl = 0xe0000000
PRId = 0x00019385 PageMask = 0x1ff8
Random = 0x0000001a SRSCtl = 0x00000000
SRSMap = 0x00000000 Status
= 0x04000002
Wired = 0x00000000 Hi = 0x0000000c
Lo = 0x0800811f

$ 0(zr):0x00000000 $ 8(t0):0x00000068 $16(s0):0xb5f1d799 $24(t8):0x00002000
1(at):0x00000000 $ 9(t1):0x800bd030 $17(s1):0x00000000 $25(t9):0xbea3719f
$ 2(
v0):0x000001fc $10(t2):0x00000000 $18(s2):0x00000001 $26(k0):0xbea3719f
$ 3(v1
):0x800b0000 $11(t3):0x079a0000 $19(s3):0x00000001 $27(k1):0x80079b40
$ 4(a0):
0x800b17f8 $12(t4):0x80070000 $20(s4):0x00000100 $28(gp):0x1b95078f
$ 5(a1):0x
00000000 $13(t5):0xfffeeeee $21(s5):0x0004f754 $29(sp):0x800bd0a8
$ 6(a2):0x00
000004 $14(t6):0x079c0000 $22(s6):0xffffffff $30(s8):0xa0070000
$ 7(a3):0x800b
17f8 $15(t7):0xfffeeeee $23(s7):0x00000700 $31(ra):0x800404b4

klmnopqrstu5280 wait5280 wait4K&Eunknown PHY: 8403ffff
[HDMI]: Set I2C Speed = 50 kHz
[HDMI]: Chk_HotPlug() TV is not connected.
[HDMI]: Read_EDID abort, HDMI cable plug off.
[HDMI]: TV is not connected.
NTSC logo

REALTEK ROM Monitor, Revision 0000.0402.0045-rom2.
Copyright (c) Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - All Rights Reserved.

For a list of available commands, type 'help'.

Compilation time /version= Dec 7 2011 14:06:00 /0000.0402.0045-rom2
MAC address =
Processor Company ID/options = 0x01 (MIPS Technologies, Inc.) / 0x00
Processor ID/revision = 0x93 / 0x85
Endianness = Little
Flash memory size = 2 MByte
SDRAM size = 512 MByte
First free SDRAM address = 0x800b4000

Press 'ESC' to Monitor mode
defer 525p logo ,still black
Realtek> erase -m
Realtek> erase -e

Лог при следующем включении с флешкой прошивки
| +
decrypt Jump!klmnopqrstu5280 wait5280 wait4K&Detect H27UBG8T2B and enable read-retrial mode...
Enable Read-retrial mode...
load bbt...copy t_extern_param to ram fail!!

* Exception : Address error (load or instruction fetch) *
BadVAddr = 0xb5f1d799 Cause = 0x08800010
Compare = 0x00000000 Config = 0x80040483
Config1 = 0xbea3719f Config2 = 0x80000000
Config3 = 0x00002020 Context = 0x3774e000
Count = 0xdcc685a9 DEPC = 0xe7efcfff
Debug = 0x8201bc05 EBase = 0x80000000
EPC = 0x8005fb3c EntryHi = 0x3f9fc000
EntryLo0 = 0x03feb1fb EntryLo1 = 0x01deb317
ErrorEPC = 0xdef8feee HWREna = 0x00000000
Index = 0x80000034 IntCtl = 0xe0000000
PRId = 0x00019385 PageMask = 0x1ff86000
Random = 0x00000006 SRSCtl = 0x00000000
SRSMap = 0x00000000 Status = 0x04000002
Wired = 0x00000000 Hi = 0x0000000c
Lo = 0x0800811f

$ 0(zr):0x00000000 $ 8(t0):0x00000068 $16(s0):0xb5f1d799 $24(t8):0x00002000
$ 1(at):0x00000000 $ 9(t1):0x800bd030 $17(s1):0x00000000 $25(t9):0xbea3719f
$ 2(v0):0x000001fc $10(t2):0x00000000 $18(s2):0x00000001 $26(k0):0xbea3719f
$ 3(v1):0x800b0000 $11(t3):0x079a0000 $19(s3):0x00000001 $27(k1):0x80079b40
$ 4(a0):0x800b17f8 $12(t4):0x80070000 $20(s4):0x00000100 $28(gp):0x0b95058f
$ 5(a1):0x00000000 $13(t5):0xfffeeeee $21(s5):0x0004f754 $29(sp):0x800bd0a8
$ 6(a2):0x00000004 $14(t6):0x079c0000 $22(s6):0xffffffff $30(s8):0xa0070000
$ 7(a3):0x800b17f8 $15(t7):0xfffeeeee $23(s7):0x00000700 $31(ra):0x800404b4

klmnopqrstu5280 wait5280 wait4K&Eunknown PHY: 8403ffff

[HDMI]: Set I2C Speed = 50 kHz

[HDMI]: Chk_HotPlug() TV is not connected.

[HDMI]: Read_EDID abort, HDMI cable plug off.

[HDMI]: TV is not connected.

NTSC logo

REALTEK ROM Monitor, Revision 0000.0402.0045-rom2.
Copyright (c) Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - All Rights Reserved.

For a list of available commands, type 'help'.

Compilation time /version= Dec 7 2011 14:06:00 /0000.0402.0045-rom2

MAC address =

Processor Company ID/options = 0x01 (MIPS Technologies, Inc.) / 0x00

Processor ID/revision = 0x93 / 0x85

Endianness = Little
Flash memory size = 2 MByte

SDRAM size = 512 MByte

First free SDRAM address = 0x800b4000

Press 'ESC' to Monitor mode

Checksum(0xffffffff) or signature(яяяяяяяя) error! Entering rescue linux...

Rescue kernel in FLASH, total size = 0x153617

seg.1 addr 0xbec59000, size = 0xa6000

seg.2 addr 0xbdd10000, size = 0xad617

copy rescue0: from bec59000 to 81000000, len = a6000

copy rescue1: from bdd10000 to 810a6000, len = ad617

decompressing rescue: from 81000000 to 80100000: size = 153617

lzma finished

decompressing rescue done

go 0x80100000

defer 525p logo ,still black

Reset Ethernet Mac.

Address = 0x80100000

Linux version 2.6.34-VENUS (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.3.6 20110218 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #219 PREEMPT Fri Nov 18 10:27:55 CST 2011

Realtek LINUX started...
Venus setting:
ROSs have 4194304 bytes RAM.
System CPU has 1 UART.
System CPU uses internal timer interrupt.
Bootloader version: 0000.0402.0045-rom2. This version string is of new format.
The information of this board: Company ID:0x0 CPU ID: 0x4 Board ID: 0x402
Ethernet Mac address:
Model Config length=0
Base year of RTC is 2010.
You didn't specify audio image address, use default instead...
audio addr: 0
Config serial console: console=ttyS0,115200n8r
bootconsole [early0] enabled
CPU revision is: 00019385 (MIPS 24Kc)
FPU revision is: 01739300
Determined physical RAM map:
memory: 00040000 @ 00000000 (reserved)
memory: 000c0000 @ 00040000 (ROM data)
memory: 01b00000 @ 00100000 (usable)
memory: 00400000 @ 01c00000 (reserved)
memory: 0e000000 @ 02000000 (usable)
memory: 00100000 @ 10000000 (reserved)
memory: 07f00000 @ 10100000 (usable)
memory: 00100000 @ 18000000 (reserved)
memory: 05b00000 @ 18100000 (usable)
Wasting 8192 bytes for tracking 256 unused pages
Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
Zone PFN ranges:
DMA 0x00000000 -> 0x00002000
Normal 0x00002000 -> 0x0001dc00
Movable zone start PFN for each node
Node 0: 23552
early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
0: 0x00000000 -> 0x0001dc00
zone DMA size: 2000 realsize: 2000
zone Normal size: 3c00 realsize: 3c00
zone Movable size: 18000 realsize: 18000
zonelist: Movable Normal DMA
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping off. Total pages: 121856
Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8r ip=
PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 64kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
Writing ErrCtl register=00011660
Readback ErrCtl register=00011660
Memory: 470984k/480256k available (2168k kernel code, 9272k reserved, 637k data, 2020k init, 0k highmem)
Hierarchical RCU implementation.
Estimated CPU frequency: 796.55 MHz
[dmp_clockevent_init]alex test ...
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 529.20 BogoMIPS (lpj=2646016)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
devtmpfs: initialized
prom_flashsize = 0x00200000
Flash size is 0x2000000
bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
Switching to clocksource MIPS-DMP
Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #0

***************** se init module *********************

se init module major number = 253

***************** md init module *********************

md init module major number = 252
size of RPC_POLL_Dev 52 and RPC_INTR_Dev 52...
init_vdso successfull
rtktlb: Hello, Realtek TLB Mapper...
AllocBP size: 1179648 order: 9 offset: 0
0: 0
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
5: 0
6: 0
7: 0
8: 2
Addr: 90100000, order: 8
Addr: 98100000, order: 8
9: 2
Addr: 90200000, order: 9
Addr: 98200000, order: 9
10: 2
Addr: 90400000, order: 10
Addr: 98400000, order: 10
11: 2
Addr: 90800000, order: 11
Addr: 98800000, order: 11
12: 2
Addr: 91000000, order: 12
Addr: 99000000, order: 12
13: 10
Addr: 82000000, order: 13
Addr: 84000000, order: 13
Addr: 86000000, order: 13
Addr: 88000000, order: 13
Addr: 8a000000, order: 13
Addr: 8c000000, order: 13
Addr: 8e000000, order: 13
Addr: 92000000, order: 13
Addr: 94000000, order: 13
Addr: 96000000, order: 13
NTFS driver 2.1.29 [Flags: R/O].
msgmni has been set to 919
alg: No test for stdrng (krng)
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
serial8250: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
brd: module loaded
loop: module loaded
Realtek Bulid-In SATA Driver Rev:SATURN (2011-02-24 15:10)
sata_rtk sata_rtk: version 0.01
sata_rtk sata_rtk: slots 32 ports 1
scsi0 : sata_rtk
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 irq 4
BGA PackageRealtek NAND Flash Driver Rev:337905 (2010-10-18)
(X)Enable interrupt mechanism of NAND driver.
Get parameter from register...
[rtk_nand_init]Bootcode size 0xc00000
[rtk_nand_init]Factory parameter size 0x400000
[rtk_nand_init]Disable NFCP...
nand_base_rtk version:0824-2011
Detect H27UBG8T2B and enable read-retrial mode...
Enable Read-retrial mode...
READ ID:0xad 0xd7 0x94 0xda
One H27UBG8T2B chip has 1 die(s) on board
nand part=H27UBG8T2B, id=add794da, device_size=4294967296, chip_size=4294967296, num_chips=1, page_size=8192, isLastPage=1, eccBits=24
[rtk_nand_scan_bbt] have created bbt B1, just loads it !!
[dump_BBT] Nand BBT Content
[0] (0, 1029, 0, 2047)
[1] (0, 1033, 0, 2046)
[2] (0, 1068, 0, 2045)
[3] (0, 1112, 0, 2044)
[4] (0, 1231, 0, 2043)
[5] (0, 1612, 0, 2042)
RTK: using the whole nand as a partitoin
[rtk_nand_init]Ecc bit select 24
Realtek Nand Flash Driver is successfully installing.
VenusSFC MTD init...
NOR flash support list ..
(X) HWSEMA support.
(V) AUTO_HW_POLL support.
(X) 4Bytes mode support.
(V) Max erase size support.
(V) Sfc_delay support.
[venus_sfc_init]FLASH_BASE: 0xbdc00000
[venus_sfc_init]Flash size: 0x2000000
Read id orginal value : 0xc22015c2
--RDID Seq: 0xc2 | 0x20 | 0x15
VenusSFC MTD: MXIC MX25L1605 detected.
VenusSFC MTD: Enable VenusSFC MD PP callback function.
MD_READ Enable..
MD_WRITE Enable..
[venus_sfc_init]descriptor size 0x2000000
RedBoot partition parsing not available
Venus SFC: using single partition Venus SFC: (for SST/SPANSION/MXIC SPI Flash)
ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[usb_param] setting for saturn
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_Register_Setting(877) 0xb8013808 = 0x4400a081
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_Register_Setting(879) 0xb8013808 = 0x4400a080
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(203) port 1 dr 7
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(203) port 2 dr 7
#@#[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(949)
#@#[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(951)
#@#[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(953)
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0xa, get sh = 0xa, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x7, get src = 0x2, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0xd, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x7, get dr = 0x7, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0xa, get sh = 0xa, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x7, get src = 0x2, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0xd, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x7, get dr = 0x7, 3bit
ehci ehci: Rtk Dmp EHCI
ehci ehci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
ehci ehci: irq 2, io mem 0xb8013000
ehci ehci: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[usb_param] setting for saturn
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_Register_Setting(877) 0xb8013808 = 0x4400a080
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_Register_Setting(879) 0xb8013808 = 0x4400a080
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(203) port 1 dr 7
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(203) port 2 dr 7
#@#[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(949)
#@#[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(951)
#@#[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(953)
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0xa, get sh = 0xa, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x7, get src = 0x2, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0xd, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x7, get dr = 0x7, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0xa, get sh = 0xa, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x7, get src = 0x2, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0xd, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x7, get dr = 0x7, 3bit
ohci ohci: Rtk Dmp OHCI
ohci ohci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
ohci ohci: irq 2, io mem 0xb8013400
ata1: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_phy_setting_saturn(27) +++
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_phy_setting_saturn(216) ---
xhci xhci: Rtk Dmp XHCI
xhci xhci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
xhci xhci: irq 2, io mem 0xb8020000
#@# cfyeh-debug xhci_irq(1747) 0x000002a0 0x002802a0
#@# cfyeh-debug handle_port_status(1096) 0x000002a0 0x002802a0
#@#[cfyeh-debug] handle_port_status(1124) NOT in U0
usb usb3: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has no SuperSpeed companion descriptor
#######[cfyeh-debug] hub_events(3692) usb_plug_status 1
hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
#@# cfyeh-debug xhci_hub_control(287) hack for usb3 portsc
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(221) +++
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(242) 16bit
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(243) *(unsigned int volatile *)0xb8028200=0x2440
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(244) *(unsigned int volatile *)0xb8028200=0x2440
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(246) *(unsigned int volatile *)0xb8028200=0x2400
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(257) 0xb8013258 = 0x7;
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(259) 0xb8013258 = 0x7;
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(263) GTXTHRCFG
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(264) 0xb8028108 = 0x02400008
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(269) 0xb8028108 = 0x21010000
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(272) GRXTHRCFG
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(273) 0xb802810c = 0x02000008
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(278) 0xb802810c = 0x21080000
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(283) disable usb mulit request
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(284) *(unsigned int volatile *)0xb8013200=0x0
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(286) *(unsigned int volatile *)0xb8013200=0x0
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(291) GUSB3PIPECTL
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(292) 0xb80282c0 = 0x00060002
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(295) 0xb80282c0 = 0x00060202
#@# cfyeh-debug usb3_mac_setting_saturn(298) ---
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
i2c /dev entries driver
[I2C0] i2c speed changed to 100 KHz
I2C0 Bus Status Check.... OK
= VER : 2.1b
= PHY : 0
= MODEL: Saturn
= SPD : 100
= SAR : 0x024 (7 bits)
usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci and address 2
[I2C1] i2c speed changed to 100 KHz
I2C1 Bus Status Check.... OK
= VER : 2.1b
= PHY : 1
= MODEL: Saturn
= SPD : 100
= SAR : 0x024 (7 bits)
Freeing prom memory: 768k freed
Freeing unused kernel memory: 2020k freed

init started: BusyBox v1.11.2 (2011-11-18 10:24:54 CST)

starting pid 405, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram0" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram1" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram2" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram4" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram5" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram6" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram7" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram8" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram9" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram3" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram15" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram14" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram13" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram12" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram1scsi1 : usb-storage 1-1:1.0
#######[cfyeh-debug] usb_stor_scan_thread(841) usb_plug_status 2
1" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram10" is skipped.
#######[cfyeh-debug] hub_events(3696) usb_plug_status 1

BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop0" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop2" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop3" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop5" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop7" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop1" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop6" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "loop4" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "mtdblock0" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "mtdblock1" is skipped.
Welcome to Realtek Rescue Linux for PhotoViewer
/etc/init.d/rcS: line 51: cannot create /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/bEnableHubOnBoard_woone: nonexistent directory
mount: mounting /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 on /mnt/usbmounts/cdrom failed: No such device
mount: mounting /dev/hda1 on /mnt/usbmounts/hda1 failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /dev/hda1 on /mnt/usbmounts/hda1 failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /dev/hda1 on /mnt/usbmounts/hda1 failed: No such device

Please press Enter to activate this console.
>>>>>> loader start! (Nov 18 2011:10:26:55, version=00.01.01)
[JH] checksignatue(), open /dev/mtdblock0

#######[cfyeh-debug] usb_stor_scan_thread(869) usb_plug_status 2
scsi 1:0:0:0: Direct-Access General UDisk 5.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
#######[cfyeh-debug] usb_stor_scan_thread(872) usb_plug_status 1
#######[cfyeh-debug] usb_stor_scan_thread(879) usb_plug_status 0
modprobe: module sd_mod not found
modprobe: failed to load module sd_mod
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] 1966080 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 GB/960 MiB)
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sda: sda1
data[0] 0x0 signature[0] 0xbabeface
data[1] 0x0 signature[1] 0xdeadbeef
rmdir: '/var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1': No such file or directory
mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1 failed: No such device
mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1 failed: No such device
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk
mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1 failed: No such devNTFS-fs warning (device sda1): parse_options(): Option iocharset is deprecated. Please use option nls=<charsetname> in the future.
mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1 failed: Invalid argumeFAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive!
BUS_TYPE = usb
Hotplug: mount -t ufsd -o force,ro,nls=utf8,umask=0,noatime /dev/sda1 /var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1 ret: 255
Hotplug: mount -t ntfs -o ro,iocharset=utf8,umask=0 /dev/sda1 /var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1 ret: 255
Hotplug: mount -t vfat -o ro,shortname=winnt,iocharset=utf8,umask=0 /dev/sda1 /var/lock/hotplug/mount_tmp/.sda1 ret: 0
Hotplug: Mount "sda1" successfully.
command: tar -xaOf /mnt/usbmounts/sda1/install.img install_a > /install_a
tar: invalid option -- a
loader_a.c:verona_load_func:1342 Can not execute command, tar -xaOf /mnt/usbmounts/sda1/install.img install_a > /install_a!
command: tar -xOf /mnt/usbmounts/sda1/install.img install_a > /install_a
AVHDD Verona*** 476MB version...
installer (src rev: Rev. not found!)......Aauth: memory address 0x40000000...
pr 26 2 ***************** se open: queue = 0 *********************
01 ***************** se open: initialized = 0 *********************
2 1arch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 714: offset = 0, se_devices = 9d920000
5:arch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 724: offset = 0
44arch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 768: length = 20480
:5arch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 769: offset = 496107520
arch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 776: offset = 496107520

oarch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 714: offset = 98316, se_devices = 9d920000
ptarch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 724: offset = 402702336
_sarch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 768: length = 4096
trarch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 769: offset = 402702336
=(arch/mips/rtk_dmp/drivers/se.c, 776: offset = 402702336
null) , tgt_dev=(null), compress_srting=(null)
#@#[cfyeh-debug] check_mtd_block_device(1286) mtd_block_device_path /dev/mtdblock0
#@#[cfyeh-debug] check_mtd_block_device(1287) mtd_char_device_path /dev/mtd0
pli initialization...
call pli_init, return 0
pli_getStartAddress() return 0x40000000
start[0-3] = {7ff1a500}
end[0-3] = {7ff1a504}
In my system...
[time] t=000.258
**chip_id = 1186
chip_id&0xF =0x6
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(0)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(1)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(2)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(3)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(4)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(5)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(6)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 DEBUG CONTROL(7)= 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 INT = 0x0 --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(0)= 0xe949ef80 --> 0x0
SB2 end addr(0)= 0x83714d34 --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(1)= 0x5ba2967 --> 0x0
SB2 end addr(1)= 0x86ec635 --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(2)= 0xa37a686 --> 0x0
SB2 end addr(2)= 0xf80485c --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(3)= 0x1eae9383 --> 0x0
SB2 end addr(3)= 0x50a4a1 --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(4)= 0x4d5f3513 === GET HWSEM...
--> 0x0
SB2 end addr(4)= 0x81e12c0 --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(5)= 0xe0c78202 --> 0x0
SB2 end addr(5)= 0x2180cc01 --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(6)= 0xcc424426 --> 0x0
SB2 end addr(6)= 0x4b466a5 --> 0x0
SB2 start addr(7)= 0x4a0ec2d0 --> 0x0
SB2 end addr(7)= 0x480e0f00 --> 0x0
5280 wait
got .//video_firmware.install.bin
video start addr, ptr=0x41d80000
video image size, cnt=2318200

video_addr = 0xd881

sleep for 3 seconds...

C[RPC]open for RPC ioctl...
al[RPC]start reset...
ng5280Go pli_resetRPC()...
In my system...

Got encoding system: 1 (NTSC)
call initRPCProxy... done.
call getTVE... done.
call prepareCLNT... done.

[Video Firmware Version] 351920
[Video Binary Built on] Mar 3 2011 10:19:22
pli malloc order: 12
+++ ALLOC index: 61440 order: 12
zone: 8062d000 page: 8080d000(91000000) count: 4096
start remap DVR zone 91000000(8080d000) 4096...
total migrated: done: 0 fail: 0
pli malloc order: 10
+++ ALLOC index: 58368 order: 10
zone: 8062d000 page: 807f5000(90400000) count: 1024
start remap DVR zone 90400000(807f5000) 1024...
total migrated: done: 439 fail: 0
pli malloc order: 3
+++ ALLOC index: 57600 order: 3
zone: 8062d000 page: 807ef000(90100000) count: 8
start remap DVR zone 90100000(807ef000) 8...
total migrated: done: 8 fail: 0
pli malloc order: 12
+++ ALLOC index: 94208 order: 12
zone: 8062d000 page: 8090d000(99000000) count: 4096
start remap DVR zone 99000000(8090d000) 4096...
total migrated: done: 0 fail: 0
pli malloc order: 12
+++ ALLOC index: 0 order: 12
zone: 8062d000 page: 8062d000(82000000) count: 4096
start remap DVR zone 82000000(8062d000) 4096...
total migrated: done: 0 fail: 0
pli malloc order: 12
+++ ALLOC index: 4096 order: 12
zone: 8062d000 page: 8064d000(83000000) count: 4096
start remap DVR zone 83000000(8064d000) 4096...
total migrated: done: 0 fail: 0
pli malloc order: 12
+++ ALLOC index: 8192 order: 12
zone: 8062d000 page: 8066d000(84000000) count: 4096
start remap DVR zone 84000000(8066d000) 4096...
total migrated: done: 0 fail: 0
VBM: configured to SD!
call VIDEOVIDEO_RPC_VideoDestroy Called!VBM: deleting GOB id=0 ...
_RVBM: deleting GOB id=1 ...
PCVBM: deleting GOB id=2 ...
_TVBM: deleting GOB id=3 ...
oVBM: deleting GOB id=4 ...
AVBM: deleting GOB id=5 ...
gVBM: deleting GOB id=6 ...
eVBM: deleting GOB id=7 ...
nVBM: deleting GOB id=8 ...
tVBM: deleting GOB id=9 ...
_VBM: deleting GOB id=10 ...
VVBM: deleting GOB id=11 ...
iVBM: deleting GOB id=12 ...
dVBM: deleting GOB id=13 ...
eVBM: deleting GOB id=14 ...
oVBM: deleting GOB id=15 ...
CVBM: deletirng GOB id=16 ...
eVBM: deleting GOB id=17 ...
aVBM: deleting GOB id=18 ...
teVBM: deleting GOB id=19 ...
_0... done.
--- FREE index: 94208 order: 12

call pli_allocC--- FREE index: 0 order: 12
ontinuousMemory..--- FREE index: 4096 order: 12
. done.
call p--- FREE index: 8192 order: 12
li_IPCW--- FREE index: 57600 order: 3
riteULONG... don--- FREE index: 61440 order: 12
cal--- FREE index: 58368 order: 10
l prepareCLNT... done.
call setDebugFlag... done.
call VIDEO_RPC_ToAgent_VideoDestroy_0...
-=- create MBF engine for .//uEGBK.mbf
call ~~SetVideoStandard: fmt 0 ped 1 prog 1

(TVE) TVE_DAC_mode 0!! ~~comp 0, ch2 0, mode_3D 0!!
~~TVE standard#
SetVO() start.
[RPCTest] VIDEO_RPC_VOUT_ToAgent_SetVideoStandard
[RPCTest] VIDEO_RPC_VOUT_ToAgent_SetVideoStandard = S_OK
call SetVO() end.
call SetHDMI() start.
[HDMI]: Turn off HDMI
[HDMI]: Set AVMute
[HDMI]: TURN OFF HDMI PHY for Jupiter/Saturn
S[I2C0] Xfer fail - TXABORT (1/2), Reason=0001
etmsg->addr = 50
Imsg->flags = 0001
2Cmsg->len = 4
Smsg->buf = 9d886200
ed = 5
(HDMI_3D) HDMI_gen 0, En_3D 0, Format_3D 0!!
go back SET_HDMI!!0 kHz
pli malloc order: 11

[+++ ALLOC index: 59392 order: 11
HD zone: 8062d000 page: 807fd000(90800000) count: 2048
MI start remap DVR zone 90800000(807fd000) WAR2N0I4N8G[5].:.TVE .i
underflow @ line 263
WARNING[4]:TVE p-underflow @ line 1
WARNING[4]:TVE h-underflow @ line 1
]: Retotal migrated: done: 0 fail: 0
ad EDID fails, i=0
[HDMI]: Turn on HDMI mode...................
[RPCTest] VIDEO_RPC_VOUT_ToAgent_ConfigHdmiInfoFrame_0 = S_OK
[HDMI]: Turn on HDMI
[HDMI]: Clear AVMute
[HDMI]: TURN ON HDMI PHY for Jupiter/Saturn
call SetHDMI() end.
call EnableUI()
DG_DisplayArea() start.
DG_DisplayArea() end.
call EnableUI() end.
#@#[cfyeh-debug] check_mtd_block_device(1286) mtd_block_device_path /dev/mtdblock0
#@#[cfyeh-debug] check_mtd_block_device(1287) mtd_char_device_path /dev/mtd0
Target device: /dev/mtdblock0!
#@#[cfyeh-debug] update_xml(11071) mtd_char_dev /dev/mtd0

>>>>>> Got NAND Flash device! Start installation...

#@# cfyeh-debug update_nand_xml_boot_only(6812) mtd_block_dev /dev/mtdblock0
#@# cfyeh-debug update_nand_xml_boot_only(6813) mtd_char_dev /dev/mtd0
#@#[cfyeh-debug] GetNandInfo(1317) use MEMGETINFO_64
flash size: 0x100000000
Extract XML configuration file, configuration.xml, from ./mnt/usbmounts/sda1/install.img...
commandInstall completed !
: tar -xf /mnt/usbmounts/sda1/install.img configuration.xml
In my system...
[time] t=000.069
Loading XML configuration file, configuration.xml...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<company>Undergound Ukraine</company>
<version>: v1.03</version>
<releaseDate>03/25/13 23:15</releaseDate>
<signature>Saturn image files</signature>
<description>This is Saturn AVHDD on NAND</description>
<image type="linuxKernel">
<image type="audioKernel">
<image type="videoKernel">
<image type="squash">
<image type="yaffs2">
Company: Undergound Ukraine
Description: none
Version: : v1.03
Release Date: 03/25/13 23:15
update_nand_xml_boot_only (Done.)

===== flush dvr memory =====
release address: 90800000
--- FREE index: 59392 order: 11
release address: 9d9da100
release address: 9d9da200
[total time] t=012.111
#@#[cfyeh-debug] main_install_flash_verona_avhdd(11343) stop pci
In my system...
sh: pci: not found

decrypt Jump!klmnopqrstu5280 wait5280 wait4K&Detect H27UBG8T2B and enable read-retrial mode...
Enable Read-retrial mode...
load bbt...copy t_extern_param to ram fail!!
load factory to (addr 0x80100000)...
load bbt...ping_no =0xfb
pong_no =0xfb
there is no data in ping ,pong buffer

$$run 1,[Run 0]

$$run 2,[Run 0]
current_factory_start + 0x400=0x1d00
Found it 0x80100000
new default_tv_system=NTSC
no mac address

[HDMI]: Set I2C Speed = 50 kHz

[HDMI]: Chk_HotPlug() TV is not connected.

[HDMI]: Read_EDID abort, HDMI cable plug off.

[HDMI]: TV is not connected.

1st for NTSC

NTSC logo


REALTEK ROM Monitor, Revision 0000.0402.0060.
Copyright (c) Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - All Rights Reserved.

For a list of available commands, type 'help'.

Compilation time /version= Nov 13 2013 11:03:57 /0000.0402.0060

Processor Company ID/options = 0x01 (MIPS Technologies, Inc.) / 0x00

Processor ID/revision = 0x93 / 0x85

Endianness = Little
Flash memory size = 4 GByte

SDRAM size = 512 MByte

First free SDRAM address = 0x800c3000

WARNING: Environment variable flash area is invalid!

HINT : Perform "erase -e"

Reinit environment variables


new default_tv_system=NTSC

WARNING: Environment variables not valid!

HINT : Perform "erase -e"

new default_tv_system=NTSC

STD_V3 supported...

Press 'ESC' to Monitor mode


$$run 3,[Run 2]


$$run 4,[Run 2]

Set_env system_parameters_3 Error 49157

STD ID block NO: 0x22

STD identifier invalid, enter normal boot!!

Start STD function...

Start STD function...


Linux Kernel:

FW Image from 0xa2200000, to 0x80100000, size=0x419aa8

Audio FW:

FW Image from 0xa2800000, to 0x81b00000, size=0x1c91d0

Video FW:

FW Image from 0xa2a00000, to 0x81d80000, size=0x248368


5280Go 5280Go



No PoweSCrP U_OnCL KM9u0Ks=i0c.01

go 0x80100000 mtdparts=rtk_nand:69632k,98304k(/),3813376k(/usr/local/etc),212992k rootfstype=squashfs root=31:01

defer 525p logo ,still black

Reset Ethernet Mac.

Address = 0x80100000

Linux version 2.6.34-VENUS (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.3.6 20110218 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #48 PREEMPT Sun Mar 31 11:24:31 EEST 2013

Realtek LINUX started...
Venus setting:
ROSs have 4194304 bytes RAM.
System CPU has 1 UART.
System CPU uses internal timer interrupt.
"Bootloader version" is unidentified. Reset it to default.
Ethernet Mac address:
Model Config length=0
Base year of RTC is 2010.
memsize not set in boot prom, set to default (32Mb)
audio addr: 1b00000
Trying to add an invalid memory region, skipped
Config serial console: console=ttyS0,38400n8r
bootconsole [early0] enabled
CPU revision is: 00019385 (MIPS 24Kc)
FPU revision is: 01739300
Determined physical RAM map:
memory: 00100000 @ 00000000 (reserved)
memory: 01a00000 @ 00100000 (usable)

* Exception (user) : TLB (load or instruction fetch) *

BadVAddr = 0x00000000 Cause = 0x08800008
Compare = 0x00000000 Config = 0x80040483
Config1 = 0xbea3719f Config2 = 0x80000000
Config3 = 0x00002020 Context = 0x00000000
Count = 0x0323ec59 DEPC = 0xe7efcfff
Debug = 0x8201bc05 EBase = 0x80000000
EPC = 0x80256974 EntryHi = 0x00000000
EntryLo0 = 0x00000000 EntryLo1 = 0x0062ac5e
ErrorEPC = 0x801153f4 HWREna = 0x00000000
Index = 0x80000000 IntCtl = 0xe0000000
PRId = 0x00019385 PageMask = 0x00000000
Random = 0x0000000c SRSCtl = 0x00000000
SRSMap = 0x00000000 Status = 0x14008c02
Wired = 0x00000000 Hi = 0x00000000
Lo = 0x00000000

$ 0(zr):0x00000000 $ 8(t0):0x8006f8fc $16(s0):0x80510000 $24(t8):0x00000001
$ 1(at):0x00000073 $ 9(t1):0x00000006 $17(s1):0x80510000 $25(t9):0x00000000
$ 2(v0):0x00000000 $10(t2):0x00000003 $18(s2):0x00000000 $26(k0):0x00000000
$ 3(v1):0x8051405d $11(t3):0x3d706920 $19(s3):0x0000007d $27(k1):0x80079b40
$ 4(a0):0x80513fe0 $12(t4):0x63697379 $20(s4):0xa0000000 $28(gp):0x804ce000
$ 5(a1):0x00000000 $13(t5):0x0000005a $21(s5):0x00000000 $29(sp):0x804cfe80
$ 6(a2):0x00001000 $14(t6):0x00000000 $22(s6):0x00000000 $30(s8):0x800c2160
$ 7(a3):0x80471ff0 $15(t7):0x52206c61 $23(s7):0x00000000 $31(ra):0x804f56b4

* Exception : Interrupt *

BadVAddr = 0x00000000 Cause = 0x18808000
Compare = 0x00000000 Config = 0x80040483
Config1 = 0xbea3719f Config2 = 0x80000000
Config3 = 0x00002020 Context = 0x00000000
Count = 0x0323ec59 DEPC = 0xe7efcfff
Debug = 0x8201bc05 EBase = 0x80000000
EPC = 0x8002d994 EntryHi = 0x00000000
EntryLo0 = 0x00000000 EntryLo1 = 0x0062ac5e
ErrorEPC = 0x801153f4 HWREna = 0x00000000
Index = 0x80000000 IntCtl = 0xe0000000
PRId = 0x00019385 PageMask = 0x00000000
Random = 0x00000005 SRSCtl = 0x00000000
SRSMap = 0x00000000 Status = 0x04008c03
Wired = 0x00000000 Hi = 0x00000008
Lo = 0x00000000

$ 0(zr):0x00000000 $ 8(t0):0x00000000 $16(s0):0x00000001 $24(t8):0x8006de90
$ 1(at):0x00000000 $ 9(t1):0x8002d780 $17(s1):0x00000000 $25(t9):0x00000000
$ 2(v0):0x04008c01 $10(t2):0xffbfffff $18(s2):0x800bc460 $26(k0):0x00000000
$ 3(v1):0x80080000 $11(t3):0x00000000 $19(s3):0x00000001 $27(k1):0x80079b40
$ 4(a0):0x00000001 $12(t4):0x80053028 $20(s4):0x80070000 $28(gp):0x803a2000
$ 5(a1):0x00000000 $13(t5):0x00000000 $21(s5):0x80070000 $29(sp):0x800bbbc0
$ 6(a2):0x00000000 $14(t6):0x00000000 $22(s6):0x00000000 $30(s8):0x80080000
$ 7(a3):0x80074b14 $15(t7):0x00000000 $23(s7):0x80070000 $31(ra):0x8003cdd4

Это "конец" флеш-памяти?
Egreat R6S (wifi, USB 3.0? sata)
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Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Virtual » 20 Aug 2015, 17:25

шланг это сериальный TTL кабель, в ваших терминах:
обзавелся программатором

Наткнулся на форуме про обновление через uart, обзавелся программатором, hyper terminal, инструкцией и распиновкой подключения. Все по инструкции до последнего момента, то есть, загрузки прошивки нанд (1186_c0000_b0402_demo_nand_bt_gbit_v2_256x2_rsq.0000.0402.0060.bin),

в инструкции что сказано что лить? чет я не видел в шапке 1186_c0000_b0402_demo_nand_bt_gbit_v2_256x2_rsq.0000.0402.0060.bin ..... :x
где был взят данный файл? тебе ли он был даден? для твоего ли плеера? и хватило ли сил прочесть что случается если читать невнимательно :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (там было буквально 3 поста)

и так что ща в гипертерминале происходит при включении плеера?
(само собой плеер подключен кабелем /шлангом/ )
это инструкция из шапки темы ровно до второго поста! до пункта
подсоединяем гипертерминал к порту (ярлык телефончик )., включаем плеер любуемся на лог....
выключаем плеер! и отсоединяем гипертерминал от порта! (нажать иконку с поднятой трубкой)

и никак не далее!!!!
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)

Postby Drewxa » 20 Aug 2015, 17:46

Делал с помощью сего девайсика: http://www.chipdip.ru/product/cp2102/
файлик биновский шел в ветке про медиаплееры blutimes eva vision относящиеся как раз ко мне-) форум другой, не здешний) ну а при подключении, терминал сияет белым фоном и только. собственно, почему я и обратился ха помощью на форум с веткой "восстановление при самой неудачной прошивке saturn(1186)" ;)
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